Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It's been a long time (that I can recall anyway) since I've been humbled by a prayer.

As the world increases in confusion and turmoil, there are increasing less things that consistently bring comfort and peace. One of those things is prayer. If I could give my children only one gift for them to guide their lives, it would be to teach them the power of sincere prayer. I felt it again tonight at my home teaching appointment.

Without knowing how, I begin to believe that power in prayer is related to sincerity, not so much vocabulary. You could use all of the most wonderful words you could think of when praying, but if you pray without sincerity, it means nothing. Even halting, un-eloquent speech can be turned to virtual music, in a sincere petition to the Lord.

I know that Prayer comforts, lifts, calms, relieves and heals.


The Bingham's said...

Always so good to be reminded of that. The best part is, you listened!!

Thauna said...

Very true!! Nice reminder.

Kirsten Brockner said...

Love this post! Thanks for sharing!!!