Sunday, June 12, 2011

I LOVE ridiculous things! (Big, blue, spoon-loving ridiculous things!)

As evidenced by my fascination with this guy...

I loved the cartoon when it was on t.v. Which is why I bought both seasons! I've been re-watching them and they are hilarous!! Truly campy and ridiculous, but just my type of humor. (FYI, a little disappointed in the live action t.v. series [even though I bought that too!], but the cartoon - totally entertaining.) My favorite episode is "The Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love." I mean, seriously, the title alone, right!? And how can you not love a cartoon where an evil santa multiplies and the only way to eliminate the extra santa's is by generating static by rubbing them together - priceless!!

Uhhh... or maybe you just had to be there.

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