Sunday, June 24, 2012


Infinity is a difficult concept for me to understand. Infinite. Never ending.

I was struck several months ago at something someone said in a talk at church. It wasn't even the main part of their talk; it was practically just said in passing, but it struck a chord with me. They were talking about how Heavenly Father is infinite and all that he possesses is infinite - then they said, "...He has infinite attention."

I suddenly thought of all the prayers I had prayed where I approached Heavenly Father as if I were bothering him; as if I were intruding; or as if I were taking him away from more important things going on in the world, etc. After all, why would he have time for my petty problems compared to the turmoil going on in various parts of the world?

But then to hear the he has infinite attention; I suddenly realized that I was projecting all of my own insecurities on him. I approached him as if I weren't worth his time, because I felt I had no worth. I approached him apologetically for bothering him, because I didn't believe I was worth bothering about. And so on and so on...

Yes, there is turmoil in the world. Yes, some people are going through trials and challenges that are "more important" than mine. How can he have time for me? Because he is infinite. And he has infinite attention. Which means he has infinite attention for me. That changed the nature of my prayers and how I approach him. It also changed how I see myself - at least, it showed me how I have been seeing myself and how I need to change that.

I still don't really understand infinity, but I understand that my father in heaven loves me and has time for me because I am important to him - infinitely important...


Anonymous said...




Michelle said...

I wish there was a button I could push to say I "like" this like on facebook. I love what you said. I've never thought of it that way either. I read all your posts and thoroughly enjoy them all. So sorry I didn't respond to your email a few months back. I hope you were able to complete the project without too much trouble. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!! :)