Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do I check my email...?


I always tell people the best way to get a hold of me is via email. I do that so I limit the number of people I have to talk to in a day. When I talk on the phone all day to people, that's the last thing I want to do when I get home. What I fail to accept is that I am also on my computer all day doing everything via email, so when I get home, that is the second to last thing I want to do.

What's the take home message here? If you call me and leave me a message and I don't call you back... it means I don't want to talk to you. If I tell you to email me, it means I don't want to talk to you. Basically, just leave me alone in general and we'll be tight!

Okay, okay... some of you might be wondering if I'm kidding or if I really am that anti-social... maybe a little of both!! :)

Sorry peeps! I'll try to be better and watching my email... gggrrrr...


Rebecca Foster said...

Okay, been nice knowing ya!

Thauna said...

LOL, I right there with you on that one! I respond to email during the day (both work and personal) and even though I'm online basically all the time even at home, I'm bad at replying to email. And basically, I hate the phone now too! Probably from all that time working in Benefits and being on the phone all day!

Heidi Henderson said...

Tell us how you REALLY feel!